Ready To Hire A Proven Copywriter
For Your Business?

Copy Chief copywriters are widely regarded as the go-to pros to deliver quality work – on time, and 
drama-free.  We have writers of all price and experience levels who specialize in your niche.


Ready To Hire A Proven Copywriter
For Your Business?

Copy Chief copywriters are widely regarded as the go-to pros to deliver quality work – on time, and drama-free. We have writers of all price and experience levels who specialize in your niche.


Hey, Kevin Rogers here…

Because this is a private page you and I either know each other (Hey, what’s up!) or have a trusted friend in common.

(Which means you and I are about to become friends, so, it’s a pleasure to meet you.)

Let’s get right to the reason you’re here…

You need good copywriters.

Connecting smart, direct response marketers like you with quality copywriters who “get it” is what I do.

I’m the guy who finds and develops copy talent for leaders like Tony Robbins, 
Grant Cardone, Jeff Walker, Marie Forleo, Taylor Welch, and Rich Schefren 
(ask around).

Believe me, I know how painful it can be to hand over your marketing to a copywriter.

How many times have you paid good money to a copywriter who talks a good game, but then hands you something you end up completely rewriting?

Or, they simply do not understand the needs of your business, and the delicate relationship between you and your audience?

I’ve spent ten years on both sides of this table; first as a freelancer, and now as a business owner.

Even though I’m the best copywriter for my business (same as you likely are), as business owners, we just don’t have time to write everything.

AI is progressing in many ways, but is not nearly capable of doing the #1 job of good copy; CONNECTING with our prospects and customers.

For that, we need thinking, feeling, HUMAN copywriters - people who truly UNDERSTAND the pain points and emotions of buying behavior, and the PSYCHOLOGY of attracting good customers.

Here’s how I can help you bring on excellent copywriters, 
that I’ve personally vetted for you, onto your teams, or on a project basis.

Step 1: 

The Onboarding Process: 
We get to know YOU and your copy needs.

  • Conduct an interview with you, your CMO, or in-house Copy Chief to get a comprehensive understanding of your funnel structures and sales process.  
  • ​Analyze your internal Copy Flow system and provide suggestions to help you
    get the highest productivity from your copy team. 
  • Understand your company voice, core values, and team culture and how you work best with copywriters.

Step 2: 

Matching you with qualified copywriters:

Through my copywriting community Copy Chief (10 yrs, 500+ active members), we nurture and develop the brightest and most committed copywriters in the industry.

We get to know them, as people, as much as we do their level of skill and experience.

  • Beginning with those already in our active coaching group (these are the pre-approved copywriters we know well and can recommend based on current skill set and culture match)
  • If your perfect fit isn’t already in our ecosystem, we recruit from the greater community, where we then “eliminate crazy” and can even conduct writing tests for candidates based on your guidelines.
  • ​Then we prep the copywriters for meeting you by giving them context around your needs and helping them assemble the most relevant portfolio of relevant samples.

Step 3: 

Vetting and testing copywriters:

An important thing to know that makes our service unique…

There’s no gating -- we'll put you in direct contact with the copywriters we recommend. We also do not take a percentage of the project. So there is no price bloating to cover fees.

We develop the talent, vet them for your needs, and connect you directly.

Truth is, we teach and nurture the very best cream of the crop, but just because they’re great copywriters doesn’t mean they’re the BEST copywriter for YOU.

And the only one that matters is the one that’s best for YOU.

This requires a combination of both skill assessment AND personality fit.

This is where we excel far above the rest -- and I’ll always give you my honest thoughts and opinions about their skill level, personality, and special talents.

To ensure you hire the right person…

  • We’ll set you up with a vetting and testing system so you can quickly determine which writers are the best fit and see them in action writing for your offers.
  • When we send writers for you to consider I’ll provide context on each one of them, their experience level, character traits, etc. so you have context going into an interview. 
  • ​I also stay with you during the vetting and testing process to provide feedback from my perspective behind-the-scenes.
Hey, Kevin Rogers here…

Because this is a private page you and I either know each other (Hey, what’s up!) or have a trusted friend in common.

(Which means you and I are about to become friends, so, it’s a 
pleasure to meet you.)

Let’s get right to the reason you’re here…

You need good copywriters.

Connecting smart, direct response marketers like you with quality copywriters who “get it” is what I do.

I’m the guy who finds and develops copy talent for leaders like Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Jeff Walker, Marie Forleo, Taylor Welch, and Rich Schefren (ask around).

Believe me, I know how painful it can be to hand over your marketing to a copywriter.

How many times have you paid good money to a copywriter who talks a good game, but then hands you something you end up completely rewriting?

Or, they simply do not understand the needs of your business, and the delicate relationship between you and your audience?
I’ve spent ten years on both sides of this table; first as a freelancer, and now as a business owner.

Even though I’m the best copywriter for my business (same as you likely are), as business owners, we just don’t have time to write everything.

AI is progressing in many ways, but is not nearly capable of doing the #1 job of good copy; CONNECTING with our prospects and customers.

For that, we need thinking, feeling, HUMAN copywriters - people who truly UNDERSTAND the pain points and emotions of buying behavior, and the PSYCHOLOGY of attracting good customers.

Here’s how I can help you bring on excellent copywriters, 
that I’ve personally vetted for you, onto your teams, or on a project basis.

Step 1: 

The Onboarding Process: 
We get to know YOU and your copy needs.

  • Conduct an interview with you, your CMO, or in-house Copy Chief to get a comprehensive understanding of your funnel structures and sales process.  
  • ​Analyze your internal Copy Flow system and provide suggestions to help you
    get the highest productivity from your copy team. 
  • Understand your company voice, core values, and team culture and how you work best with copywriters.

Step 2: 

Matching you with qualified copywriters:

Through my copywriting community Copy Chief (10 yrs, 500+ active members), we nurture and develop the brightest and most committed copywriters in the industry.

We get to know them, as people, as much as we do their level of skill and experience.

  • Beginning with those already in our active coaching group (these are the pre-approved copywriters we know well and can recommend based on current skill set and culture match)
  • If your perfect fit isn’t already in our ecosystem, we recruit from the greater community, where we then “eliminate crazy” and can even conduct writing tests for candidates based on your guidelines.
  • ​Then we prep the copywriters for meeting you by giving them context around your needs and helping them assemble the most relevant portfolio of relevant samples.

Step 3: 

Vetting and testing copywriters:

An important thing to know that makes our service unique…

There’s no gating -- we'll put you in direct contact with the copywriters we recommend. We also do not take a percentage of the project. So there is no price bloating to cover fees.

We develop the talent, vet them for your needs, and connect you directly.

Truth is, we teach and nurture the very best cream of the crop, but just because they’re great copywriters doesn’t mean they’re the BEST copywriter for YOU.

And the only one that matters is the one that’s best for YOU.

This requires a combination of both skill assessment AND personality fit.

This is where we excel far above the rest -- and I’ll always give you my honest thoughts and opinions about their skill level, personality, and special talents.

To ensure you hire the right person…

  • We’ll set you up with a vetting and testing system so you can quickly determine which writers are the best fit and see them in action writing for your offers.
  • When we send writers for you to consider I’ll provide context on each one of them, their experience level, character traits, etc. so you have context going into an interview. 
  • ​I also stay with you during the vetting and testing process to provide feedback from my perspective behind-the-scenes.
The investment:

The fee for our CopyFlow connection service is $10,000 
(roughly the price you’d pay for just one sales letter from a rando copywriter.)

This includes everything above, plus 12 months of consulting and support from 
myself and my team.

To recap, you will have:

  • A direct line to me and my hand-picked copywriter recommendations based on your needs and culture fit.
  • A simple system for vetting and testing the writers I recommend.
  • ​Ongoing access to me and my team for optimizing your CopyFlow process, so you’re never scrambling for good copy again.
The investment:

The fee for our CopyFlow connection service is $10,000 
(roughly the price you’d pay for just one sales letter from a rando copywriter.)

This includes everything above, plus 12 months of consulting and support from 
myself and my team.

To recap, you will have:

  • A direct line to me and my hand-picked copywriter recommendations based on your needs and culture fit.
  • A simple system for vetting and testing the writers I recommend.
  • ​Ongoing access to me and my team for optimizing your CopyFlow process, so you’re never scrambling for good copy again.
Next step:

Simply email me - - and say "I'm in" and we'll set up a call.

To ensure top quality, I only accept 3 new hiring partners at a time.

I look forward to our call,

Next step:

Simply email me - - and say "I'm in" and we'll set up a call.

To ensure top quality, I only accept 3 new hiring partners at a time.

I look forward to our call,


Here are just a few of the entrepreneurs I've helped so far...
If we’re just meeting, 
here are the basics to know about me:
  • I’ve been working in Direct Response marketing since 2006. First as a freelance copywriter working with incredible leaders of our industry like John Carlton (my great friend and mentor), Anthony Morrison, and Dr. Joe Vitale (to name just a few). 
  • ​Since 2014, when I opened the doors to my community called,
    Copy Chief™, I’ve been focused on developing copywriters and connecting them with great business owners like you.
  • ​Through my community and live events, I’ve engineered $24 Million in contracts between businesses and copywriters (that I can count) who went on to produce untold millions more in sales (competing divisions of Agora have literally started bidding wars over the copywriters I endorse).
  • ​In the last two years alone I’ve been the go-to supplier of copy talent for companies like Tony Robbins, Stansberry Research, industry leaders like Rich Schefren, Taylor Welch, and Marie Forleo. Last year I supplied an entire copy team (4 seniors and 8 juniors) for Grant Cardone Enterprises.
If we’re just meeting, 
here are the basics to know about me:
  • I’ve been working in Direct Response marketing since 2006. First as a freelance copywriter working with incredible leaders of our industry like John Carlton (my great friend and mentor), Anthony Morrison, and Dr. Joe Vitale (to name just a few). 
  • ​Since 2014, when I opened the doors to my community called,
    Copy Chief™, I’ve been focused on developing copywriters and connecting them with great business owners like you.
  • ​Through my community and live events, I’ve engineered $24 Million in contracts between businesses and copywriters (that I can count) who went on to produce untold millions more in sales (competing divisions of Agora have literally started bidding wars over the copywriters I endorse).
  • ​In the last two years alone I’ve been the go-to supplier of copy talent for companies like Tony Robbins, Stansberry Research, industry leaders like Rich Schefren, Taylor Welch, and Marie Forleo. Last year I supplied an entire copy team (4 seniors and 8 juniors) for Grant Cardone Enterprises.
The bottom line is, this is my passion, and I can proudly say that no one is making these connections on the same level, or with as much concern for both parties, as I am.

If you’ve ever posted your need for a good direct response copywriter on social media sites or any freelancing platforms, you’ve seen the flood of ridiculousness that floods your messages.

I won’t waste time here recapping all the reasons for this (you’re likely very aware of those responsible for perpetuating the “copywriting is ‘easy money’” lie in our industry)...

All that matters right now is that you can escape this nightmare and shore up one of the most critical elements of your business; hiring solid, dependable, and highly capable copywriters.

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